martes, 20 de mayo de 2008

The Ice Dragon

A long time ago in a muontin a dragon slept: It was not a ordenery dragon. It was an ice dragon. It terned the siti into ice. The people in the sitis were very annoyed, so the said to his best worer to slai the ice dragon.
So the woreyer set of it was nirly nite time so he looked for a worm cave. Avetteroly he foud one. He rested.
But did not no the he was in front a trols house. The door crict open the waced a troll came out.
But the did not sea him becas he had a sicret stone you could only sea wen the troll dide.
But the warier could smell the troll, he took out hissord and with one hit the troll was ded. He the ston an put it in his pock. He wos nou invisibl.
He went diper into the cav, there was the dragon, the dragon could not sea him.
So it would be isy he chopt the dragons hed off.

Woody Coombs 1º A

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