martes, 20 de mayo de 2008

My Secret Pony

Narrador: One day a little girl named Sharlet moved to a farm. Her mother promised that she would get her a horse. The next day, when she woke up…

Sharlet: Can we go yet? Can we?

Mum: After breakfast, Sharlet.

Sharlet: I finished my breakfast.

Mum: Ok, we can go now.

Sharlet: Yipee!

Narrator: They got in the car and went to a horse raffling competition. When they got there Sharlet jumped out of the car.

Sharlet: Mum, I’m going to look at the horses in the stables. Is it ok?

Mum: Yes, it is ok, but I am coming too because he has to be thirteen hands high and six years old.

Narrator: Then they met a man with a dapple grey horse. The man offered them a private sale.
Sharlet: Mum, can we get him,
can we? Please.

Mum: Ok, if you really want to.

Man: I’ll bring him tomorrow, is it ok?

Mum: It’s fine.

Narrator: On the way back they stopped at a book shop.

Sharlet: Mum, can I go and look?

Mum: Yes, you can go and look. I have to get some things anyway.

Sharlet: Bye, mum. See you later.

Mum: Bye Sharlet, see you later.

Narrator: While Sharlet was in the book shop an old lady gave her a book as a welcome present.

Sharlet: Thanks!

Mrs Fontana: Any time.

Mum: It’s time to go.

Sharlet: OK mum, bye Mrs Fontana.

Mrs Fontana: Bye Sharlet.

Narrator: At home Sharlet prepared the stables for Twilight. The next day Twilight arrived and Sharlet was very excited.

Sharlet: Hi Twilight!

Mum: Thanks.

Man: You’re welcome.

Man: I have to go now, bye.

Sharlet: Bye

Sharlet: Can I go and ride Twilight in the woods?

Mum: Yes you can, but not too long, OK?

Sharlet: OK mum, bye.

Mum: Bye honey, have a nice time!

Narrator: In the forest Sharlet and Twilight found a narrow path. They went on until they came out of the path to a medow of star-shaped flowers. She picked some and went home. When Sharlet and Twilight got home Sharlet went upstairs to her room where she started to read the book Mrs Fontana gave her, and she found a song that with three star flowers and under the light of the moon, dappled grey horses turn into unicorns. So Sharlet ran downstairs to go tell Twilight.

Sharlet: Mum I’m going to go see Twilight, OK?

Mum: OK.
Sharlet: Twilight, you’re a unicorn!

Narrator: So Sharlet sang the song and threw the flowers on Twilight and he turned into a unicorn!

Sharlet: Twilight star, Twilight star, Twinkling high above so far. Shining light, Shining bright, Will you grant my wish tonight? Let my little horse forlorn, Be at last a unicorn!

Narrator: And from that day on they flew every night until bed time.

The End.

Diana Cristina Cuartas Quo.3ºA

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